Thursday, September 26, 2013

My First Quilt

First quilting class was a hit! I love it. Our first class we learned to cut and practiced sewing a small 4X4 square. But most importantly, we picked out fabric. My favorite thing to do!!!

Oh, how I love fabric...the colors, the texture, designs, possibilities!
This quilt will hopefully go in our living room. 
Fingers crossed- found out quilting has to be pretty exact.
hmm...that could be bad.

A key to remember what fabric is what.
An example of the first block we will do next class.
This is super small but I already love love love how it turned out!

Thank goodness for long tables with 2 leaves in it.
I can spread all my fabric out.
I have sorta fallen in love with this table that our renter is letting us "borrow". 
Do you really think he would notice if it accidentally got put on the moving truck? ;)

Throw Away! Edges are straight now!

This is the pattern for the quilt. 12 blocks!
I'm scared! Can I really create that?!? 

I labeled my baggies for my scraps. :) Love labeling things- that's why I'm a teacher!
I have loved quilting so far! I even dreamed about ironing my fabric. I also dreamed about a bagel shop opening on the island. Oh please,  Einstein Bagels come to Galveston. I would love you forever and buy lots of bagels!!!
Speaking of ironing boards, I need a new iron and iron board right now. The college iron board on the door isn't cutting it no more! X-mas idea. (mom, reading this?!)

Here's to matched triangles and squares and a steady hand when I cut!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Running with a Purpose

This past week at school a dear co-worker of mine announced she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
I received the e-mail in the evening. It felt so surreal.
I had just spoken with her that morning...
She doesn't know any details yet; what stage, if it has spread, or treatment options.
The news really hit home for me.
She has two children and a husband.
She was one of the first people to help me at Trinity.
She helped me find extra babysitting jobs, professional development, and how to work extended day. 
She bent over backwards to help me in whatever way she could.
 And what's amazing is she does this with everyone she meets!

She is so strong. These past couple of days she has remained positive and chosen to fight no matter what.
Watching her strength and her readiness to fight has been so humbling.
It has also been awesome to watch our school respond.
We immediately formed a support team and are ready to serve her family with whatever they need!
We also formed a running team in her honor for the D'Feet Breast Cancer race in October.

I signed up for the 10K in hopes this will help me start running again.
I am so excited to be a part of this and show my love and support for such an amazing person.
I now run with a purpose.  

I am always reminded of my favorite verse in times like this:

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

May we all remember His plan for us.

Blessings to all. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sometimes you just need a Saturday

For those that know me well, know that I love being home.
I love cooking at home, reading at home, being with Chad at home... 
I am a true homebody and I know this about myself.

Lately, we have been going, going, going.
People have been over, errands have been run, pig parades and pancakes have happened at school
and good times have been had by all.
But I can feel myself longing, needing, yearning for a day at home.
So, I told myself this Saturday was it. :)

And already I feel better.

I woke up and made coffee just so I could drink from my new mug. 
In my opinion, pretty mugs make any beverage taste better, don't you agree?
This morning I actually enjoyed my coffee instead of gulping it down as my kids are walking in the room, impatiently waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

I made my weeks whole of tea in my new tea kettle.
Strawberry summer :)
I fill up the tea in water bottles and chill them for my lunch.
I am lovin' my new kettle and how fast it boils water!

I spent extra time with Georgia, getting dog cuddles.
Chad bathed her yesterday so she smells fresh and is nice and pouffy.
Chad and I lounged around until the last possible minute and it was heaven, my friends.
Just sitting, not hurrying or remembering to tell each other important forgotten conversations, 
just sitting... enjoying the moment. 

Another favorite of stay at home Saturdays is I always cook breakfast.
This morning it was the Pioneer Woman's french toast.
Very yummy! I didn't soak the bread over night and it was still good.
You can find the recipe Here

yes, we ate the whole pan.

I am happy with myself that I have realized some of my weaknesses and what fixes them.
I am a person who loves friends, going out, working hard at school but I have a limit. And I have found that my limit is usually met before others but that's ok.  Because when I start getting that feeling, the one in my stomach, that means: it is all becoming too much, I know a Saturday at home with coffee, Georgia, and Chad will soothe all feelings.

Sometimes you just a need a Saturday...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Say What?

Here is what I have been up to.

What I have been eating lately...

Lots of chicken...I got this recipe off pinterest. Chick-fil-a nuggets people, they taste like Chick-fil-a nuggets. Chad, who has been deprived of Chick-fil-a for 23 years, loves and approves them.

What has consumed me...
School...this week has been full of parent conferences. Today I had 4 parent conferences. I am blessed with super parents this year but conferences wear me out. Thank goodness for a surprise Starbucks run from a co-worker. It made me day 10X better and more caffeinated:)
Sonic runs are always good too!

What I've been wearing...

Chad went shopping with me on my birthday. He dressed me in maroon skinny jeans, white skinny jeans, and 3 new tops. I've gotten some compliments at work. Thank goodness Chad has some style because I sure don't. 

What I've been watching...

This is a show my mother-in-law and my brother told me about. It is a cute little show, nothing great, but  a good show. Quirky and entertaining. 

What I've been reading...

The movie comes out soon. I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie. It is really good so far, an easy read and interesting. Excited to see what happens.

Our church is also doing the Purpose Driven Life revised- it's called "What on Earth am I here for?" You read chapters every day. You also have small group lessons and sermons over the book. So far it's good. 

What I'm thinking about...

I signed up for a beginners quilting class. I am super excited to learn to quilt. I'm going tomorrow to pick up my supplies and fabric. Picking/feeling fabric is my favorite thing to do. Only downside is the class is Monday evenings and 30 minutes away. I am trying to get super organized with school so I can leave by 4:30. Fingers crossed.

What I'm wishing for...

House decorations. After shopping with Chad at World Market I have new visions for our house. I want a huge clock, vases with flowers, baskets, and funky furniture. My decorations now are from all over the world- africa, haiti, mexico so World Market fits perfect. I have made a list and am waiting for Santa ;)

What have you been doing lately? 

Happy September!  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Birthday Love

Yesterday was my 24th birthday and it was one of the best ones yet.

Chad made a German Chocolate Cake for me.:)
We ate at my favorite Galveston place, Farley Girls, with friends and then came back to the house for cake and Settlers of Catan. 

Our friends decorated the house.
Chad did a super job and made the day very special. 

My friend Megan got me this awesome drink dispenser. I love it, especially since I host a lot. It will be great!

I also got a gift card to Target and a basket of goodies.

Chad and I went to Austin last weekend as part of my birthday.
We ate some amazing food and spent some great time with my brother.

Some of the best food we ate came from this awesome cheese shop we went too.
We had duck salmoni and some peanut fed pig salmoni. 
And some delicious cheese.

We got some sweets at Quacks. It was so good.

 Chad gave me a tea kettle.
I love loose leaf tea and have wanted a tea kettle for a while.
I got it from World Market- one of my favorite places.
It is suppose to have a distressed look to it.

I also got a huge tea infuser. Yeah for loose leaf tea and my cute new tea kettle!

It was a great day. I am very spoiled. I am thankful for all who made my birthday a great day. 
Here's to a great year as a 24 year old. :)