Thursday, January 26, 2012

What I've been up to lately...

Here is what I've been up to lately..

1. Eating lots of Sunbutter!!! Chad is allergic to peanut butter...and I LOVE peanut butter. It's been a tough sacrifice. (I have had dreams I'm eating Reeses candy and spoonfuls of creamy peanut goodness.) I have just found Sunbutter. Its made from sunflower seeds and completely peanut free but taste just like peanut butter! Dream. Come. True.

The picture is my favorite combo:

gobs of Sunbutter + extra gobs of Nutella=

heaven and my usual breakfast:)

2. Recycling

This pic shows 2 weeks worth of recycling! I decided to after watching the documentary No Impact Man on Netflix. I am amazed at how many things are recyclable. I should have known but I never really thought about it. It does take a little extra work since you have to wash out the containers and then drop it off at the recycling center but I'm helping the earth! I want to start a compost pile soon (I know it sounds gross!) but we will have to see if that happens.

3. Crocheting

I am crocheting my brother-in-law a afghan for his graduation present. I really like the stitch because its easy and fast! He is super tall so I am making it extra long. I have been watching lots of TV while I crochet. Recent TV show addiction: Downton Abbey!

1st season is an instant watch on Netflix. Needless to say I have already watched all of them and can't wait for more.

Here is the pattern for afghan:

4. Making my own laundry detergent

My aunt and best friend have made their own and loved it. I thought I would try. I really like it. I used scented soap so it has a smell. The clothes still smell and look clean and we are saving money. I'm happy!

I used this site on how to make it:

That's what I've been up to lately.

May you have a happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. You are a busy girl! I love the afghan-it is sharp looking! I am dying laughing at all the sunbutter and Nutella...I think there MIGHT be a piece of toast under all that!
    I love the blog!
