Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Hopeful Green Thumb

While my mom was here she bought me lots of plants. So far...none of them have died.
That's success in my book.
Everyone (the guy at Home Depo and my uncle) says that everything grows in Galveston- I hope they are right. I certainly know that every bug grows here...the cockroaches are slowly coming back- beware.

I am now the proud owner of:
basil, cilantro, onions, a tomato plant, and a hopeful strawberry plant (sorry no picture- it hangs on the front porch).
I am going to try to make some homemade salsa once the tomatoes come in.

Grow, baby, grow!

My happy little garden!

It has been nice going outside every day to check on my plants. I grab my sunglasses and with Georgia we inspect them- soil content, water quantity, and sun intake. :)
I have forgotten how much I enjoy the outdoors, especially laying in my hammock.
It is so peaceful as the sounds of the world drift to me, with Georgia sniffing every blade of grass in the background. I find 30 minutes outside energizes me.
It has become quite a nice routine once I get home: check my plants, lay in my hammock, and then go inside to conquer dinner.

So thanks mom for the plants and may I be blessed with a green thumb! :)

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