Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What I've been reading lately

With 2+ hours naps during work and a studying husband, I have lots of reading time on my hands! I usually read a book a week :) Here is what I have read lately...
Nothing like a good John Grisham. I really enjoyed this book because it has a missionary as a character and parts of the story take place in South America. What was frustrating is that I had read it before but couldn't remember the ending. I still enjoyed it and liked the ending because it was realistic. I will always recommend a good John Grisham!

 Loved this book, although hard to read for long periods of time. (I'm the type of person that likes to stay up till 3 a.m. to finish a good book. I love to get so engrossed in a book I can't put it down. This was not one of those books you can do that with.) It is set up in diary form. It is about white women who are sent to live with the Indians. I love books about Indians and their lifestyle. (If I had a choice in the matter, I would chose to be an Indian.) I love exploring other cultures. I feel there is always something to gain from another culture. Very good and interesting read! 
Oh John! Another good one. It is about a lawyer who starts representing the homeless. Chad and I use to eat with the homeless every Tuesday night in Lubbock. I discovered God and a whole new prescriptive about life by talking to the homeless on Tuesdays. It took me back to those days. I feel John is always a solid author- you know what your getting.

Wow- this one...depressing. I would have to put the book down just because I was getting overwhelmed. It had a good ending (thank goodness or I was going to be mad) but man getting to the end was hard. I cringed as I read some things and felt so sad for this couple. Life in the past on a farm is tough. Not necessary a favorite read but still good. It made me think and the truth is sometimes life is depressing. I did like how the author wrote the book, his descriptions of experiences were different and made it me look at it from a new perspective. It really made me appreciate the life I have, along with my marriage. So glad I don't live in Gap Creek!

I found this on pinterest and love it because this is totally how I feel:

Happy Reading!

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