Sunday, June 10, 2012

Amarillo By Mornin'

Last weekend, I flew to Amarillo to watch my baby sister graduate from high school. I don't know why but Abby graduating makes me feel really old. She has always been the baby of the family and it just hit me that we are now all grown up. A bitter sweet feeling. 
It was, of course, wonderful to see all the family.

Here are all the girls on my Mom's side! 

My family- minus Chad :( 
The five of us are hardly together at one time so it fun being back together.

I'm so proud of Abby and am excited for her to start college. I hope she will make fun memories, experience God, and meet amazing people at LCU, just like I did. I know she will do great things and has much to offer our broken world! 

I had the whole week off- woo hoo! On Tuesday, we loaded up our family pop-up and headed to Ruidoso, NM! The mountains were beautiful. I can just breath easier up there. I have always been a mountain person rather than a beach person. So, I loved getting my mountain fill. We hiked up a mountain - which my mother did an awesome job and even has battle wounds to prove it! We shopped in town, sat in lawn chairs, and just relaxed :)

Abby and me before the hike!

On top of the mountain! 

After hiking, we got pedicures and Sonic! haha

It was a great time and good to have a break from life. 
(I just realized that my dad isn't in any of these pictures, but he went with us camping too. And was a huge sport being the only male.)

Tuesday was Chad's and I
 2 year wedding anniversary. 
So we are celebrating tonight with sushi, a new dress, and hopefully I can talk him into looking through the wedding album to reminisce. I'll post pictures soon! 

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