Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Anniversary to US!

Last Tuesday, June 5th, marked the 2nd year of me being Mrs. Chad Alan Pacanowski! 
And I couldn't be happier!
While Chad and I were reflecting on our marriage, he said, "It's like our love has grown from the bubbly love to something that is so deep in the soul, like complete truth."
I love that and couldn't agree more.
I am truly blessed to have Chad as my husband. 
There are so many words and things I could say but nothing would completely express my feelings for Chad and the journey we have been on so far.
And I can't wait for the many more years of joy, happiness, and sorrow that we get to share together. 

We celebrated on Sunday by going to our favorite sushi place.

"I found the one whom my soul loves."
Song of Salomon 3:4 

All of Chad's sushi. Yes, we might of over ordered but it was delicious. 
I think I could eat sushi every day and be a very happy girl-
especially if I get to eat it with this handsome guy:)

After a lesson from Chad, google, and practice I finally mastered the chop sticks!
Muahahaha! I was quite proud of myself and felt very cool. 

Our 1 year anniversary
We celebrated while on our mission trip in Africa.
Our friends gave us a gift card to one of the resorts.
We had a wonderful meal and the Africans even danced for us! 

The cake the Africans made for us since we didn't have our frozen year old one!
(Let's just say this one was much better than the original. That tradition needs to stop.)
I love how "anniversary" is misspelled and runs off the cake.
It will always be a cherished memory of our 1st anniversary. 

Wow- where does the time go? 

I am so thankful for my amazing husband, my new family I have been blessed with, and the marriage that God has given me.

I love being Mrs. Pacanowski!


  1. That was beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.

  2. That was beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.
