To start out, I love this quote!
There is nothing better than good food and great conversations around it.
I'm in the kitchen a lot. I cook meals 7 days of the week with a grocery budget of $300 a month. Chad and I eat out twice a month if we have enough money and a course for special occasions. Recently (after Chad studied the heart in class), we have been trying to eat less beef. We use to eat ground beef in almost every meal. FYI- don't do that. It messes with your heart or something ;) Now, in an effort to be healthy and as Chad says, "To not die of a heart attack in my twenties", I am cooking with more fresh vegetables, more chicken (absolutely hate cooking chicken!), and eating more pasta (love me some pasta!).
All that to say, that every woman runs their kitchen differently.
For example, my mother scrubs the seeds out of the strawberries as she washes them so hard (brings back memories of her washing my hair as a scalp is still bruised from those claws rubbing back and forth) and she cleans up after meal- that means counters wiped down, dishes washed and loaded, and everything in its place with the smell of bleach lingering in the air.
She taught me well but I am more relaxed- meaning I have no problem leaving dishes in the sink or counters untouched- maybe it will change with age.
Anyway, back to the point, all woman have different kitchen rules which is why I love cooking with other woman to see how they run their kitchen.
-How they chop vegetables or wash fruit
-Their cooking process:
1. Throw a lot of yummy things in a pot and hope for the best
2. Follow a recipe (that's me)
-Grocery Shopping: list OR no list
(always a list for me, along with my grocery game face-watch out!)
I find it so fun and interesting. I also love the cooking secrets that are passed down through the generations. My Meme is an amazing cook. One of my favorite cookbooks is our family one- original family recipes that produce wonderful tummy loving magic:)
One thing that I love about running my kitchen is all the gadgets I get to use.
My favorite drawer! So many fun spoons, cups, and scoops.
My spices! Approaching the 2 year wedding anniversary (WHAT?!? 2 years!?) I am quite proud of my growing spice collection. I remember buying our first spices, wondering how often I would really use cayenne pepper. Often I have found out- Chad likes his food hot, guess just like his women :) haha- had too!
The Ultimate Shelf
We were very spoiled with our wedding gifts. I am so thankful for all the wonderful gadgets I get to use, especially my glorious red kitchen aid mixer and beautifully large crock pot.
My favorite cookbook- Better Homes and Garden- and favorite apron- Vera Bradley. You have to look good while you cook, right?
Right now, I love running my kitchen. Some days I tire of the endless cooking but I have a wonderful husband who eats whatever I put in front of him. I am having fun discovering what works for me and using all my new kitchen gadgets, maybe even creating a few of my own cooking secrets to pass on.
So how do you rule your kitchen?
What are your kitchen gadgets that you love to play with?
And what are some of your cooking secrets?