Saturday, July 21, 2012

Long time no see

Hello Blog World- it's been a while...
So sorry for lack of posts but my life has been crazy lately!
Let's go back to the last week in June-
Chad's Family came
Following Sunday, Chad left for Lufkin- his 1st surgery rotation.
That Thursday I left for Austin to see my family.
The next week I was off work and my family came to Galveston
That Thursday my family left and then my best friend and her boyfriend came for the weekend
Are you following? Yes, craziness!
Plus, add that I got hired as a kindergarten teacher!!! :):):) 
My life has been turned upside down!
Right now, my head is spinning...
I am trying to put my classroom together
Chad is still gone
I am finishing up my last 2 weeks as a nanny
(Side note: I am SO sad to be leaving the family and the little boy I've been a nanny for. It is going to be hard but luckily they said I can babysit! )

So yeah, life has been crazy.

Honestly, I don't know how much I will be able to blog now. I have loved blogging and thinking of things to write about but with school, Chad, and life in general I don't know if I will have time now. 
I am so happy and excited to start my career. God is good and I'm loving the story He is writing for me. 
For right now, I am taking a break from blogging and focusing on all the new changes in my life. 
Thank you all for reading, supporting, and loving Chad and I. 
Blessings to you all!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Just a quick update on Chad...
He is doing well. His first day was full of new experiences and all the typical "first days" things of not knowing whats really going on. His second day was better. He worked 13 hours! (Am I ready for this life style?) He said the whole day was very stressful from answering many questions from his supervisor about surgery and helping out with the surgery. He was extremely tired when he got off. He has the 4th off which is nice. So far I have only gotten to talk to him for about 10-15 minutes a day due to his homework load, studying, and needing to rest. Prayers would be appreciated as he starts this new part of his life!
I am doing good- eating lots of cherry stuff. (Chad hates anything cherry so I stopped buying stuff that had cherries.) I am trying to stay as busy as possible! Thankfully, my family is coming for a week and then my best friend from childhood. I love having company so I'm excited!
I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

And He's Off

He's off! He already has made it to his new location!

So proud of him! I know he will do great :)

Go Chad Go! You're in our prayers! 
We love you! 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fast and the Furious

Wow- these last 2 weeks of June have just flown by! 

This past week Chad's family came to see us. It was fun to share Galveston and all it's shrimp, humidity, and mosquitoes with them. 

We ate at some great places that I have wanted to try for some time.
One in particular was this soda shop on the Strand. I have always wanted to eat there because it looks so neat and has ice cream of course.
 I got a "Ship Wreck" float! I was in heaven!
I love coke floats so I was one happy girl!

Chad's Mom and I had girl time and went looking at a cute antique shop. Oh if I had money...I would buy everything in there! 
We all became addicted to watching a show called Shark Tank on ABC. It is an interesting show where people who have invented something try to get investors to invest in their product. 

We also relaxed and just enjoyed being together:)

Chad's family stayed at a really nice resort that had mini golf, a pool, and was right across the street from the beach.
The 1st night of mini golf...I WON! I am the worst golf player ever so it was shocking that I beat all the  boys. Chad wanted a rematch which by then my luck had run out so he won :(
ME- the mini golf dominator!!
I was trying to make my "mini golf mean face" but then started laughing so I just look weird in this picture.

It was great to have family and very sad to see them go. We don't know when we will see them next :( 

It was also sad because it meant June was over and Chad's rotation will start Monday.
He leaves tomorrow for his 1st month long rotation in surgery. 
I am at a lost as to how to describe this upcoming change in our lives.
I am incredibly sad to be without Chad for a month. Luckily in our relationship, we have never had to do long distance so it scares me to have to do it now. I am worried about him. I want to be with him, taking care of all his needs. I want to see him everyday, feel his arms around me, and let him take care of me. I am also extremely proud of him and know he will do amazing! I feel honored to be his wife and very proud to say, "Yes, my husband is becoming a PA." He has worked so hard to come to this point that it feels good to be starting rotations, the beginning of the end of his schooling.
Ah, so many emotions. I know I am going to bawl like a baby tomorrow when he drives off. It's just another phase of our life. This next year will be full of joys and sorrows, adjustments and failures, hope and love. I will try to be thankful for all of the them because it's part of Chad's and I life, part of the story of how we are accomplishing our dreams, making our life worth while, becoming who we are suppose to be. So with all these emotions, I  put on my game face, knowing I can and will survive this next phase of our life.
I know I will look back at this phase to tell my kids, "You know your dad and I lived in Galveston for a sure was an adventure...and yes the cockroaches were really big!"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

In honor of Father's Day...

This video is so funny!

Book Worm

What I have been reading lately...

 "In 1665, a young man from Martha's Vineyard became the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Upon this slender factual scaffold, Brooks has created a luminous tale of love and faith, magic and adventure."

This was a good read- some parts I thought were just a tad slow. It was a story about the life of an Indian boy and his friend, a white girl- once again I love other cultures  and feel their way of life and values have so much to offer us. I also enjoy reading about the past, thinking how times have changed so much. Good Read.

"In Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa See takes us on a journey back to a captivating era of Chinese history and delves into one of the most mysterious of human relationships: female friendship.  
In nineteenth-century China, in a remote Hunan county, a girl named Lily, at the tender age of seven, is paired with a laotong, an “old same,” in an emotional match that will last a lifetime."

I really enjoyed reading this book. I read it in a couple of days. It was so interesting! The book discusses foot binding in the Chinese culture which I found fascinating and researched more on it while reading the book. There is one scene in the book where I had to call my mother-in-law and say, "What is happening?!? Where is this going?!" but she reassured me to keep reading. The dynamics of women roles in this book was very thought provoking. Wonderful read! There is also a movie but they changed it up a lot and I didn't really like it. 

"A story rich in passion and legend, The Lady of the Rivers is the story of Jacquetta, Duchess of Bedford, a woman who navigated a treacherous path through the battle lines in the Wars of the Roses.When Jacquetta is married to the Duke of Bedford, English regent of France, he introduces her to a mysterious world of learning and alchemy. Her only friend in the great household is the duke’s squire Richard Woodville, who is at her side when the duke’s death leaves her a wealthy young widow. The two become lovers and marry in secret, returning to England to serve at the court of the young King Henry VI, where Jacquetta becomes a close and loyal friend to his new queen."

If your into reading about the past I would recommend this. It was fun to escape into this time period with Queens and Kings. I did learn things and researched more on the time period because I found I didn't know much about it. I enjoyed it but didn't love it. 

"Eva Ward returns to the only place she truly belongs, the old house on the Cornish coast, seeking happiness in memories of childhood summers. There she finds mysterious voices and hidden pathways that sweep her not only into the past, but also into the arms of a man who is not of her time.

But Eva must confront her own ghosts, as well as those of long ago. As she begins to question her place in the present, she comes to realize that she too must decide where she really belongs."

This book took me a while to get into but after I did I loved it! It was one of those books that I was very sad to be reading the last page because I wanted the story to continue. It is set in England, which now I want to visit badly and drink tea!  Great read if you want something different!

"Paris, July 1942: Sarah, a ten-year-old girl, is taken with her parents by the French police as they go door to door arresting Jewish families in the middle of the night. Desperate to protect her younger brother, Sarah locks him in a bedroom cupboard—their secret hiding place—and promises to come back for him as soon as they are released.
Sixty Years Later: Sarah’s story intertwines with that of Julia Jarmond, an American journalist investigating the roundup. In her research, Julia stumbles onto a trail of secrets that link her to Sarah, and to questions about her own future."

First of all, I am fascinated with the something so awful could happen, the devastation it did to so many people, the questions it brings up in my mind, people's ability to survive, and the many emotions that it causes. I loved this book! It was written in such a powerful, moving way. It is not a happy book by any means...but it's real- and I love that. I am still thinking about it after days of reading it. Very moving! There is also a movie based on the book and they did a wonderful job. Of course they had to make little changes but over all it was a great representation of the book. So read this book and then watch the movie!         

Any books you love and would recommend?
Happy Reading!                                                                                            

The Canine Houdini

Our house has a small back room that attaches to our bedroom and the kitchen. After Chad refused to have it as his office, it became Georgia's room/storage room once we moved in. She stays in the room while we are gone and everything has been fine, minus a few chew marks on the baseboards. 
Well, lately we have come home to Georgia greeting us at our front door. We could not figure out how she was getting out of her room! So we put her in her room and called her to see what she did.

Using her nose, she sticks it in the small space you see here between the wall and door.
She nudges it and keeps nudging until the shutter door opens...

Ta-da! The Canine Houdini! 

I don't know how we are going to keep her in her room since she has learned how to escape. 
Both doors are the shutter doors.
I haven't found anything in the house that she has ruined...yet!

So, there you have it- Georgia...The Escapee

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


People: we have onions!

Straight from the garden! 

I used some in a pasta dish and they tasted great!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Anniversary to US!

Last Tuesday, June 5th, marked the 2nd year of me being Mrs. Chad Alan Pacanowski! 
And I couldn't be happier!
While Chad and I were reflecting on our marriage, he said, "It's like our love has grown from the bubbly love to something that is so deep in the soul, like complete truth."
I love that and couldn't agree more.
I am truly blessed to have Chad as my husband. 
There are so many words and things I could say but nothing would completely express my feelings for Chad and the journey we have been on so far.
And I can't wait for the many more years of joy, happiness, and sorrow that we get to share together. 

We celebrated on Sunday by going to our favorite sushi place.

"I found the one whom my soul loves."
Song of Salomon 3:4 

All of Chad's sushi. Yes, we might of over ordered but it was delicious. 
I think I could eat sushi every day and be a very happy girl-
especially if I get to eat it with this handsome guy:)

After a lesson from Chad, google, and practice I finally mastered the chop sticks!
Muahahaha! I was quite proud of myself and felt very cool. 

Our 1 year anniversary
We celebrated while on our mission trip in Africa.
Our friends gave us a gift card to one of the resorts.
We had a wonderful meal and the Africans even danced for us! 

The cake the Africans made for us since we didn't have our frozen year old one!
(Let's just say this one was much better than the original. That tradition needs to stop.)
I love how "anniversary" is misspelled and runs off the cake.
It will always be a cherished memory of our 1st anniversary. 

Wow- where does the time go? 

I am so thankful for my amazing husband, my new family I have been blessed with, and the marriage that God has given me.

I love being Mrs. Pacanowski!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Amarillo By Mornin'

Last weekend, I flew to Amarillo to watch my baby sister graduate from high school. I don't know why but Abby graduating makes me feel really old. She has always been the baby of the family and it just hit me that we are now all grown up. A bitter sweet feeling. 
It was, of course, wonderful to see all the family.

Here are all the girls on my Mom's side! 

My family- minus Chad :( 
The five of us are hardly together at one time so it fun being back together.

I'm so proud of Abby and am excited for her to start college. I hope she will make fun memories, experience God, and meet amazing people at LCU, just like I did. I know she will do great things and has much to offer our broken world! 

I had the whole week off- woo hoo! On Tuesday, we loaded up our family pop-up and headed to Ruidoso, NM! The mountains were beautiful. I can just breath easier up there. I have always been a mountain person rather than a beach person. So, I loved getting my mountain fill. We hiked up a mountain - which my mother did an awesome job and even has battle wounds to prove it! We shopped in town, sat in lawn chairs, and just relaxed :)

Abby and me before the hike!

On top of the mountain! 

After hiking, we got pedicures and Sonic! haha

It was a great time and good to have a break from life. 
(I just realized that my dad isn't in any of these pictures, but he went with us camping too. And was a huge sport being the only male.)

Tuesday was Chad's and I
 2 year wedding anniversary. 
So we are celebrating tonight with sushi, a new dress, and hopefully I can talk him into looking through the wedding album to reminisce. I'll post pictures soon! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Graduation Extravaganza

This past weekend, Chad and I made the 7 hour trek up to Wichita Falls to see Chad's brother, Andrew,  graduate from high school. It was wonderful to celebrate this big accomplishment with him and the family.

The graduate! He was ducking down because he is taller than Chad now! 

 On our way to the graduation. 
(Note to self: Bring a book next time.)

Yeah! So proud of Andrew! He is going to LCU- woo hoo! 
Love LCU and can't wait to see what great things he does there :) 

"Andrew The Giant" walking across the stage. Why is it these always turn out dark? 

We had an awesome time catching up with family and hanging out. It makes me wish we lived closer to everyone :( 
Grandad always saves People magazine for me- so I am starting to catch up on my celebrity gossip. 
We ate yummy food and had a fun time! 

This Saturday, I am flying to Amarillo (at 8 a.m. in the morning- meaning leaving G-town at 6 a.m. to make the hour drive to the airport. Poor Chad! He is such a good hubby! ) I am flying to Amarillo to watch my baby sister graduate from high school. Then I have the week off- woop woop! I will be spending it in Ruidoso camping with my family. I have missed the mountains badly and can't wait to hike, read in a hammock, beat my family in games, and cook over a fire! It will be absolutely wonderful! (except that Chad can't come-the freezer is packed with frozen meals again) 

So one graduation extravaganza done...on to the next!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Let's go, Rangers!

Yesterday, Chad and I went to Houston to watch the Rangers/Astros baseball game. It was really fun!
It was my first time to go to a major league baseball game. I learned what a "full count" was and got to see Elvis in a "pickle." The Rangers lost...I was surprised and sad but we had a good time!

Baseball is very important to Chad so I am glad that I got to share in this with him!
I think I would really like baseball if there were only 6 innings instead of 9. :) 
But  its not, so I'm going to try and like it with its 9 innings. 

We were SUPER high in the $7 dollar seats. We could hardly see the players but we were ready to catch a ball.  :) My favorite players are Elvis and Cruz. (Basically because they are the only ones I can remember. Oh and Josh Hamilton a course.) 

That was our Saturday! Now, I am going to jump back into the 14th century in my book, take Georgia Baby to the dog park, and cook supper. Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I think I'll move to Australia

Today was been one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days!

I think I'll move to Australia!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Queen of the Kitchen

To start out, I love this quote! 

There is nothing better than good food and great conversations around it. 

I'm in the kitchen a lot. I cook meals 7 days of the week with a grocery budget of $300 a month. Chad and I eat out twice a month if we have enough money and a course for special occasions. Recently (after Chad studied the heart in class), we have been trying to eat less beef. We use to eat ground beef in almost every meal. FYI- don't do that. It messes with your heart or something ;) Now, in an effort to be healthy and as Chad says, "To not die of a heart attack in my twenties", I am cooking with more fresh vegetables, more chicken (absolutely hate cooking chicken!), and eating more pasta (love me some pasta!). 
All that to say, that every woman runs their kitchen differently. 
For example, my mother scrubs the seeds out of the strawberries as she washes them so hard (brings back memories of her washing my hair as a scalp is still bruised from those claws rubbing back and forth)  and she cleans up after meal- that means counters wiped down, dishes washed and loaded, and everything in its place with the smell of bleach lingering in the air. 
She taught me well but I am more relaxed- meaning I have no problem leaving dishes in the sink or counters untouched- maybe it will change with age. 
Anyway, back to the point, all woman have different kitchen rules which is why I love cooking with other woman to see how they run their kitchen. 
-How they chop vegetables or wash fruit
-Their cooking process: 
1. Throw a lot of yummy things in a pot and hope for the best
2. Follow a recipe (that's me)
-Grocery Shopping: list OR no list 
(always a list for me, along with my grocery game face-watch out!)

I find it so fun and interesting. I also love the cooking secrets that are passed down through the generations. My Meme is an amazing cook. One of my favorite cookbooks is our family one- original family recipes that produce wonderful tummy loving magic:)

One thing that I love about running my kitchen is all the gadgets I get to use.

My favorite drawer! So many fun spoons, cups, and scoops. 

My spices! Approaching the 2 year wedding anniversary (WHAT?!? 2 years!?) I am quite proud of my growing spice collection. I remember buying our first spices, wondering how often I would really use cayenne pepper. Often I have found out- Chad likes his food hot, guess just like his women :) haha- had too!

The Ultimate Shelf
  We were very spoiled with our wedding gifts. I am so thankful for all the wonderful gadgets I get to use, especially my glorious red kitchen aid mixer and beautifully large crock pot. 

My favorite  cookbook- Better Homes and Garden- and favorite apron- Vera Bradley. You have to look good while you cook, right?

Right now, I love running my kitchen. Some days I tire of the endless cooking but I have a wonderful husband who eats whatever I put in front of him. I am having fun discovering what works for me and using all my new kitchen gadgets, maybe even creating a few of my own cooking secrets to pass on. 

So how do you rule your kitchen?
What are your kitchen gadgets that you love to play with?
And what are some of your cooking secrets?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bug Spray

This week as I was outside, getting eaten alive my mosquitoes, I sprayed myself with bug spray. As the smell of deet filled my nose and the greasy spray soaked into my skin, I was immediately taken back to Africa. 

A year ago, I had just graduated from college. The world was at my finger tips. With our best friends, The Shumans, and mentor, Jim Beck, Chad and I boarded a plane destined for Kenya. We were there for 6 weeks. It was an amazing life changing mission trip. So many days, I love to dream that I am back there.
 I love to imagine that I am sitting and drinking gallons of the completely amazing chia tea made by the Africans. As the evening light disappears and the night sounds start, I imagine sitting discussing how to change the world as Jesus did. I imagine the feeling of being consumed with people and forming a community. I imagine the sound as the electricity fails yet again. I imagine thriving with the slow pace of life along the many bouncy unpaved roads.
Most of all, I imagine the people. The complete sense of community and Christian friendship and the thought that this must be what heaven is like.

I love how in one single act, the spraying of bug spray, I am filled with these wonderful images of Africa.

I will leave you with this song. I remember Chad singing it often as we traveled the African plains.
Plus, the video is hilarious. My- how music videos have changed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What I've been reading lately

With 2+ hours naps during work and a studying husband, I have lots of reading time on my hands! I usually read a book a week :) Here is what I have read lately...
Nothing like a good John Grisham. I really enjoyed this book because it has a missionary as a character and parts of the story take place in South America. What was frustrating is that I had read it before but couldn't remember the ending. I still enjoyed it and liked the ending because it was realistic. I will always recommend a good John Grisham!

 Loved this book, although hard to read for long periods of time. (I'm the type of person that likes to stay up till 3 a.m. to finish a good book. I love to get so engrossed in a book I can't put it down. This was not one of those books you can do that with.) It is set up in diary form. It is about white women who are sent to live with the Indians. I love books about Indians and their lifestyle. (If I had a choice in the matter, I would chose to be an Indian.) I love exploring other cultures. I feel there is always something to gain from another culture. Very good and interesting read! 
Oh John! Another good one. It is about a lawyer who starts representing the homeless. Chad and I use to eat with the homeless every Tuesday night in Lubbock. I discovered God and a whole new prescriptive about life by talking to the homeless on Tuesdays. It took me back to those days. I feel John is always a solid author- you know what your getting.

Wow- this one...depressing. I would have to put the book down just because I was getting overwhelmed. It had a good ending (thank goodness or I was going to be mad) but man getting to the end was hard. I cringed as I read some things and felt so sad for this couple. Life in the past on a farm is tough. Not necessary a favorite read but still good. It made me think and the truth is sometimes life is depressing. I did like how the author wrote the book, his descriptions of experiences were different and made it me look at it from a new perspective. It really made me appreciate the life I have, along with my marriage. So glad I don't live in Gap Creek!

I found this on pinterest and love it because this is totally how I feel:

Happy Reading!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Moldy Rant

MOLD! I am sick of it! There is mold growing everywhere in our house!!! (slight exaggeration  of course) I had no idea that this a normal thing. We have mold growing on our wood blinds, shoes, window sills, and wooden chairs! Gross! Chad called the landlord because I was outrage at all this extreme mold fest going on in our house. Come to find out...this is normal in Galveston. Disgusting! 
So with my vinegar water in hand, I am slowly dousting our house.
Die mold die! 
 Some shoes that have been taken by the mold monster!

On another non-moldy note, this week has been great!
1. Chad has started playing in a PA softball team. His team won 14-1 their first game! I went to cheer him on. Georgia might come this next week. (After her hair cut/shave she has been under house arrest due to fact she is rather ugly with no hair. But her hair has grown out so I will take her out now. - Hope that never happens to our kids. :)
2. I have been cooking recipes from the Pioneer Woman. Her dishes are wonderful but man they take time. I am not use to spending more than 45 minutes to make supper. The other night I spent 2 hours- umm not ok. I guess I cook more for convenience than taste. On the weekends, I don't mind spending time on a good meal but not after I have worked all day. How do you cook... for convenience or taste?

3. I have finished Andrew's afghan!!! Oh Hallelujah! (Note to self: never crochet a blanket for a 7 foot man!) The blanket turned out wonderful. I can't wait to give it to him for graduation.

This is Chad's last week of his Great Syndromes class. He has his one huge test this Friday. Then, we will have the weekend off. We don't have any set plans for this special weekend off- I'm hoping camping or maybe go see the movie The Avengers. We are wanting to start doing something as a couple together weekly. We are going to try tennis for a start and see how that goes. Any other ideas of couple things to do? (for free!)

Well, that's our moldy life for right now! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pie Happy

I made a blackberry pie :) 
Add some (actually a lot) of vanilla ice cream on top...
And you have some happy Pacanowski's!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Fruits

We have our 1st tomato!!! 

Here is our tomato plant!

The other plants that have grown like crazy!

Nothing has died yet!

Water boy :) Chad has enjoyed gardening as well. 
We can't wait till we have more $$ and a bigger yard to grow a lot of plants.

1st tomato ever!

I love my garden. In fact, I used some basil in our pasta tonight.