In celebration of my new shoes Chad got me, I thought I would do "A Day in my Shoes" theme to tell you about our week.
6:15 a.m.
Leaving for work! Thank goodness for coffee or I would be a zombi when I got to work. I was always a morning person growing up but college changed me. I love sleeping in now!
This week involved painting, tents, Moody Gardens, library story time, Rainforest Cafe luncheon with Galveston Mommy Group, and lots of reading. Mardi Gras has started here on the island which means everywhere we go people are giving out beads. So my little man has been looking like a gangster with all his beads on. There is also a carnival that we can see from our backyard and there is going to be a Mardi Gras parade next weekend. Kinda fun. It has still been rainy and chilly here. I am so ready for the weather to be nice again so we can play outside, go to the park, and take walks. I have been getting cabin fever staying inside! I usually leave work around 4 ish.
I have always cooked a lot but we would also occasionally go out to eat. Well, these past few weeks I have been cooking all the time to save money. It has been hard. I have definitely tried to sweet talk Chad into our favorite place here, Shrimp & Stuff (It's just so good) but thankfully he has resisted my womanly charm. So I have been cooking. You might ask why do you have needle nose pliers? Ah, the joy of an old rent house! About a month after moving into our house, the oven knob broke off. Our landlord tried ordering us a new one, but the oven is SO old the company no longer makes that oven knob. We tried several other places in Houston but there was no match. Our land lord wasn't going to buy us a new oven just because of the knob missing. So every time I turn on our oven, I use pliers and another knob that has the degrees to make an educated guess on the temperature. At least we have an oven, right?
Chad comes home- our family is complete!
On Friday, Chad saw his first patient, hence the dress shoes. He did a physical exam, history, and write-up for practice. (He practiced on me the night before and I'm happy to report I have normal reflexes and my eyes, nose, and ears look good.) He was at the hospital for 6 hours! It went well but was very stressful and draining. It made him realize how far he has come but how much farer he still has to do. We find out his rotations for clinicals in mid March. Clinicals start in July. Please pray he gets to stay in the Galveston/Houston area. I don't know what I would do if he was sent somewhere else for several months.
Georgia is doing good. She is still doing her typical things-laying around all day, ripping up my rug, and looking out our living room window for potential threats to bark at (Her favorite is the UPS man).
End of the day!
Relaxation here I come!
Hope you liked a typical day in my shoes and may your shoes be as comfortable as mine!
Have a fantastic weekend :)
Those are some busy shoes!!