Thursday, February 2, 2012

Island Winter

Winter WonderISland
I thought I would share tidbits about winter in Galveston.
1. Instead of snow...we have rain. Lots of rain. We have also been having this cool fog that last all day. You can hardly see across the street. For some reason it makes me think of London and gives me the desire to stay inside all day to read and sip on hot cocoa. Any who, because of the rain we have been...
2. Mowing- in January! What?! Yes! I have had to mow the lawn more in December and January than in the summer months. Thankfully our lawn is small :) I put a picture of Chad mowing our lawn for the first time because we thought it was so neat to have a lawn to mow, so neat that I thought it was picture worthy. What was I thinking?! Now, we both dread mowing.

3. Less Bugs- Hooray! I have been a mad woman with the home defense! During August we did meet some of those "famous" HUGE Houston area cockroaches. Each meeting I happened to see them first, introductions involved screaming from me, and for Chad a very big smash from his shoe. But we haven't met any more since October.
4. No Heating- the weather has been so nice that our heater hasn't run at all. Love it when that bill comes in.
5. No Tourists- yeah! The summer months brought beach bums from far and wide to our island and filled our Wal-mart with bikini wearing grocery shoppers. Really? Grocery shopping in a bikini? Come on! Can I get another "yeah" for no tourists!

Winter has been different from what we are use too! The thick jackets, scarfs, and snow boots have layers of dust on them in our closet. Even though I miss our "usual" winter (My winter attire has always been my favorite) I am very thankful to be here on this foggy little island. I am thankful that Chad is attending UTMB and is accomplishing his dream of becoming a PA. I am thankful for my nanny job that provides for us. I am thankful for family. Chad's brother's were in a bad car wreck this week and I am so thankful they are alive and safe. Last, I am thankful for love. The love of God, my amazing husband, my parents, sisters, brothers, in-laws, friends, and a course the love of our dog.

I hope your winter season has been a great one, hopefully filled with snow and lots of love!

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